Liver Fibroscan in Gurgaon

Description: FibroScan in Gurgaon

An FDA-approved non-invasive diagnostic technique called FibroScan Testing is used to detect liver fibrosis as a result of various liver illnesses. FibroScan is a type of elastography for the liver. FibroScan in Gurgaon is a type of ultrasound that measures how hard your liver is and how much fat is changing in your liver. Your health care provider can learn more about your liver disease from these measurements. 

Outpatient FibroScan testing is similar to receiving a standard liver ultrasound examination in that it is rapid, painless, simple, and offers a non-surgical substitute for the standard liver biopsy to evaluate liver disease.

One of the first gastrointestinal practices in the Southern Colorado region to provide this cutting-edge technique is Associates in Gastroenterology, PC.

What makes FibroScan superior to a regular biopsy?

A modern method of detecting fatty liver disease employs the use of an ultrasound-based device to quantify the amount of scarring and fat deposition in the liver. FibroScan, like other ultrasound exams, is quick, simple, and painless. And unlike an intrusive biopsy, this one poses no danger to the patient.

No specific preparation is needed for a FibroScan in Gurgaon, though you may be requested to fast for a few hours beforehand. It won’t take more than a few minutes of your time, there will be no discomfort involved, and no sedation will be required. There is no downtime or special care required after a FibroScan; you may get right back to your day.

If you have one of the following chronic liver problems, your doctor may suggest a FibroScan test.

  • Chronic Inflammatory
  • Autoimmune Hepatitis
  • Liver disease (cirrhosis) is caused by genetic problems(Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, etc.)
  • The Hepatitis B Virus
  • Toxic Liver Disease Caused by Hepatitis C
  • Alcoholic Liver Disease
  • Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

For fatty liver, how exactly does FibroScan play a role?

Fibrosis is the scarring that forms in fatty liver disease due to the accumulation of fat cells. The degree of fibrosis in the liver can be used as an indicator of the severity of the fatty liver disease. As a result of fibrosis, liver tissue becomes rigid and inflexible.

Transient elastography, or FibroScan, is a method for gauging the elasticity of the liver using ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound waves travel more slowly through fibrotic parts of the liver compared to healthy tissue.

The results from a FibroScan in Gurgaon can be viewed right away. You and your doctor can discuss the findings and decide on the next steps in treatment or other diagnostics.

You should get a diagnosis for your liver condition very away.

Discuss FibroScan with your doctor if you’re worried about undergoing a biopsy to rule out fatty liver disease. It’s a quick, painless, and non-invasive way to give your doctor useful information about your health. You may overcome your apprehension and begin formulating a treatment strategy in a matter of minutes.

However, there may be significant costs associated with choosing to wait. Fatty liver disease poses serious risks if it is not properly recognized and treated. Cirrhosis, the end result of extensive fibrosis, is a serious disease in which the liver stops working properly. Cirrhosis is a potentially fatal liver disease.

The fatty liver can’t be “cured,” per, but many cases can be helped by making lifestyle changes instead of using the medicine. It’s important to discuss FibroScan with your doctor if you’re worried about developing fatty liver disease.

What to anticipate when you get to the Test:

  • To avoid any delays, please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled procedure time.
  • Bring your insurance information and a list of all the medications you’re currently taking.
  • FibroScan can be performed without the need for tranquilizers. To and from the exam, you may use your own vehicle.
  • The whole thing won’t even take you 5 minutes. The duration of your scheduled 30-minute appointment.
  • A non-invasive probe will be placed over your liver while you lie on your back with your right arm lifted behind your head and your right abdominal area exposed (wear loose-fitting clothing).
  • It’s possible that you’ll feel a tiny vibration on your skin around the probe’s tip as it sends out ultrasonic waves to the area to be measured.

Contact Sanarcare if you have any doubts or queries for FibroScan in gurgaon:

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